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Earn College Credits

Dual-Enrollment Courses

Earn college credits as a high school student at Saint Agnes! We offer 21 dual-enrollment eligible courses in our Upper School through a partnership with the University of Mary. The courses listed below are dual-enrollment certified because: a) the instructor has a M.A. or Ph.D. in the subject area, and b) the course syllabus content has been university approved.

A $105 fee is charged for each dual-enrollment course a student takes. Up to 3 college credits* may be earned per course completed. After high school commencement, our graduates who participated in dual-enrollment receive a transcript of classes and grades from UMary to use at their college or university of choice.

Prepare for college, life, and beyond!

Dual Enrollment Courses

Honors and AP Courses

We offer a challenging, integrated liberal arts program that underlines the unity of faith and reason. Rooted in the tradition of Catholic education, our curriculum is broken down into the divisions of grammarlogic and rhetoric, integrating the humanities, theology, mathematics, natural sciences, the fine arts, and physical education. Included in our curriculum is the ability to take Honors and AP Prep courses to help prepare students for college and life beyond. Below you will find our Honors and AP offerings. 

*Courses that prepare students for AP exams.

Prepare for college, life, and beyond!


Statement on Advanced Placement (AP) Offerings

 As a policy, Saint Agnes School does not certify Honors courses that are AP preparatory with the College Board, and this is done with purpose and intention for practical and philosophical reasons.

As a Catholic school aiming to prepare students for post-secondary study, Saint Agnes places a strong emphasis on its unique liberal arts curricular approach – one that leans upon the classics of the west. This curricular approach enables the school to emphasize the unity of faith and reason and therefore the integration of subject areas focusing on the western tradition.

Our faculty members work in accord with the Administration to ensure the highest quality of content and academic rigor in each subject area and discipline. As can be seen from our curriculum overview documents, students at all levels share a common sequence of core material that is a shared patrimony of knowledge and wisdom. The approach also offers a unique opportunity to our students to excel beyond their peers who, upon reaching post-secondary study, have not engaged the classics or the western intellectual tradition – and the benefits offered thereby – as anticipated by post-secondary programs and professors.

In addition, Saint Agnes School believes that almost exclusively tying the goals of a course syllabus to one exam is detrimental to the learning process and can, perhaps, produce a utilitarian approach to education that can undercut the value of the liberal arts. Finally, there are a great multitude of competitive public and private high schools that have opted out of the College Board AP course certification for these and other reasons; Saint Agnes School’s approach in this regard is not unique and, indeed, she is in good company.

For questions on Advanced Placement, please contact the Academic Dean.