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Post-Secondary Planning

College & University Visits Hosted by Saint Agnes

Visits from college admissions counselors offer Saint Agnes high school students the opportunity to learn about the departments, programs, majors, activities, and student life of various colleges and universities.

The schedule for college/university visits is now available on Naviance/Family Connect (each junior and senior has login info) and posted on the bulletin board on 3rd floor.

Announcements will be made during Morning Prayer as well to notify students of visits.

College representatives come during high school lunch or after school in the Guidance Office.

Please contact Mrs. Jolene Schmitz, Guidance Counselor, with questions at 651-925-8752.

Transcript Requests 

Graduates of Saint Agnes School who wish to obtain copies of transcripts or verification of high school completion may contact Saint Agnes School’s Main Office. Transcript requests may be submitted by phone at 651-925-8700. Please provide the following information with your request:

  1. Full legal name (at time of graduation)

  2. Graduation year

  3. Mailing address where you’d like to receive the document (transcripts may also be picked up at Saint Agnes School in the Main Office)

Transcript requests are $3.00. Payments are accepted online (transcript fee found under “fees-other”) or by cash or check in the Main Office (checks payable to Saint Agnes School, please include “transcript” in the memo).

Teacher Letter of Recommendation Info Form

When requesting a letter of recommendation from a teacher, students must complete the Letter of Recommendation Information Form and submit it to the teacher writing the letter. Teachers should be given at least two weeks to process the request.


The Family Connection link is for seniors applying to college and is a way for students to work with the Guidance Office in sending official academic records to colleges and universities. It allows the Guidance Office to electronically send admissions documents on behalf of students with a secure record of their reception by post-secondary institutions. The site also has information on scholarships available to students applying to college. Login.

The site will be launched to seniors in the coming days; each senior will be given a registration number to login.

*Download the "Family Connection Basic User Guide" as a PDF for assistance in navigating the system.

Please contact Dr. Michael Adkins, Dean of Academics, with questions at 651-925-8756.

Post-Secondary Scholarships

There are many post-secondary scholarships available for high school students. The best way to maximize scholarship opportunities is to be involved in high school and also be an active member of other groups in the community. Students are also advised to pursue internships with organizations or companies in their career or field of interest.

Family Connection, Saint Agnes School’s college application web portal, contains a list of valuable scholarship information. Note: You must be a registered user with a username and password to enter the site.

Scholarships are available to members of Catholic Financial Life. See CFL’s website for details.

Another scholarship resource is Fastweb, which houses “over 1.5 million scholarships; contains personalized scholarship matches; FAFSA information; tips from scholarship winners; and information on jobs and internships.”

For more information on post-secondary scholarships, please contact Mrs. Jolene Schmitz, Guidance Counselor, at 651-925-8752.