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Lower School


Grades k-6

We offer a challenging, integrated liberal arts program that underlines the unity of faith and reason. Rooted in the tradition of Catholic education, our curriculum is broken down into the divisions of grammar (K-6), logic (7-8), and rhetoric (9-12), integrating the humanities, theology, mathematics, natural sciences, the fine arts, and physical education. This education model emphasizes the Virtues, the Catholic intellectual tradition, and their origins in the Greco-Roman world.

lower school academic overview

Please contact Mrs. Miriam Naughton, Director of the Lower School, with questions at 651-925-8757.

Education in Virtue logo

Education in Virtue (EIV) is a wonderful new program that we’ve adopted for our K-6 students. The program is content-rich and ennobles students’ vocabulary and understanding of the virtues beyond abstract ideas. Learning at age-appropriate levels what each virtue looks like and sounds like, students can identify their strengths and where they need to grow in virtue. Virtue boards are found in our hallways and each classroom, listing all the virtues and highlighting the virtue of the week by:

  • Defining the virtue and under which of the four Cardinal Virtues it falls
  • Showing a picture of the virtue in action
  • Explaining what it “looks like” and “sounds like”    
  • Offering a prayer to ask Jesus for help growing in the virtue
  • Providing a Scriptural reference for that virtue
  • Celebrating the witness and example of a Saint who exemplifies the virtue well

This program is woven into the very fabric of our Lower School life. The life of virtue—thanks to the phenomenal resources developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist—is referenced and cultivated by teachers throughout the day and in every subject. In addition, EIV builds in Lectio Divina to help students develop a life of prayer and relationship with God. The EIV program encourages teachers to create a prayer corner or sacred space in their classroom where children can engage the Word of God in Scripture and reflect on their life with Christ. 

students at recess

standardized testing

Lower School students are given the Stanford 10 (SAT10), an achievement test largely employed by private schools that are focused on academic achievement. SAT10 testing verifies that our students are consistently well above average and also consistently performing well at or above grade level in all areas – when compared to other competitive private schools nationally. We are proud of our testing data, but it is simply a bi-product of a Saint Agnes education!  We don’t teach to the test.

Parent Guides


podcast image


It’s never been more difficult to raise young people of faith, reason, and virtue than it is today. We’re on a mission to support parents as the primary educators of their children through high-quality, Catholic education in the liberal arts/classical tradition.

Follow our school podcast and stay tuned for more messages throughout the year from our administration, faculty, and community members!