Lower School
Grades k-6
We offer a challenging, integrated liberal arts program that underlines the unity of faith and reason. Rooted in the tradition of Catholic education, our curriculum is broken down into the divisions of grammar (K-6), logic (7-8), and rhetoric (9-12), integrating the humanities, theology, mathematics, natural sciences, the fine arts, and physical education. This education model emphasizes the Virtues, the Catholic intellectual tradition, and their origins in the Greco-Roman world.
lower school academic overview
Please contact Mrs. Miriam Naughton, Director of the Lower School, with questions at 651-925-8757.
Education in Virtue (EIV) is a wonderful new program that we’ve adopted for our K-6 students. The program is content-rich and ennobles students’ vocabulary and understanding of the virtues beyond abstract ideas. Learning at age-appropriate levels what each virtue looks like and sounds like, students can identify their strengths and where they need to grow in virtue. Virtue boards are found in our hallways and each classroom, listing all the virtues and highlighting the virtue of the week by:
- Defining the virtue and under which of the four Cardinal Virtues it falls
- Showing a picture of the virtue in action
- Explaining what it “looks like” and “sounds like”
- Offering a prayer to ask Jesus for help growing in the virtue
- Providing a Scriptural reference for that virtue
- Celebrating the witness and example of a Saint who exemplifies the virtue well
This program is woven into the very fabric of our Lower School life. The life of virtue—thanks to the phenomenal resources developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist—is referenced and cultivated by teachers throughout the day and in every subject. In addition, EIV builds in Lectio Divina to help students develop a life of prayer and relationship with God. The EIV program encourages teachers to create a prayer corner or sacred space in their classroom where children can engage the Word of God in Scripture and reflect on their life with Christ.
standardized testing
Lower School students are given the Stanford 10 (SAT10), an achievement test largely employed by private schools that are focused on academic achievement. SAT10 testing verifies that our students are consistently well above average and also consistently performing well at or above grade level in all areas – when compared to other competitive private schools nationally. We are proud of our testing data, but it is simply a bi-product of a Saint Agnes education! We don’t teach to the test.
Parent Guides
Welcome to Kindergarten!
Kindergarten Faculty
Ms. Anne Walsh: 651-925-8721
Ms. Madison Sandquist: 651-925-8758
Attendance in kindergarten is very important. However, if your child will be absent for any reason, please call Mrs. Kilduff at 651-925-8700. If you know your student will be missing school for vacation, please inform the office as well as me by either email, phone call or a note in your kiddo’s folder. If you are planning on picking your kinder up early, please, again, contact both the office, and me this way your kinder can be ready and waiting in the office upon your arrival.
After School Care
After School Care is held every day from 7-7:30am and from 3-5:00pm downstairs in the Cafeteria.
Arrival and Departure
Kindergarten begins at 7:55 am. Students are welcome in our classroom at 7:30am; if you drop your child off before 7:30, they are report to Before School Care, located in the cafeteria. Kindergarten ends at 2:40pm. Students who go home after school will be released out of the front doors on Lafond Avenue at 2:40 and will be brought in by 2:50 and brought down to the cafeteria if they have not been picked up. Students who will attend After School Care will immediately go downstairs.
Kinders go to Mrs. Richtsmeier for Art once a week! For questions about Art curriculum, please contact Mrs. Richtsmeier.
Birthdays are a very special event and will be celebrated in our class. The birthday person is welcome to send a treat to share with the class. Because I do not have access to a freezer from my classroom, please do not send frozen treats to school, also please be mindful of nut allergies in the classroom.
Breakfast for students is available each morning in the cafeteria from 7-7:45am. Breakfast is available for kindergarten students free of charge.
Conferences will occur twice a year. You will be able to sign-up online using Sign-Up genius. If you would like to meet outside of conferences, please set up a time rather than stopping in before or after school.
Contacting Me
The best way to contact us is via email. We try to check email throughout the day, but it can be challenging. If you need to contact us right away, please call the main office at (651-925-8700) and they can connect you to us.
For the second year, Kinders will attend Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as part of our religion curriculum. Kinders will attend Catechesis with Mrs. Langolis once a week. Learn more about CGS here.
Daily News Folders
Each day a folder will be sent home in your child’s backpack. Inside the folder, there is a Daily News Sheet. Please look through your child’s folder every night as important classroom and school information will be sent home in them. Please make sure you send the folder back to school every day!
Several times throughout the year there will be fire drills, tornado drills and lockdown drills. Kindergarten students will be informed of most drills before they happen, this will provide an opportunity for us to discuss and practice them as a class.
When sending money to school, please put it in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and what the money is for. This will help in case the money gets lost within the school. The envelope should go into your child’s folder.
You can access your kinder’s grades via Educate. www.educate.tads.com
Education in Virtue
We are excited to continue to use a virtue program this year! We will be using Education in Virtue. See more in Virtues.
Field Trips
Throughout the year we will go on a handful class field trips. These field trips are both fun and educational. We welcome adult chaperones who are VIRTUS certified. Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Mrs. DeMarais if you would like to learn more about VIRTUS certification.
If you are interested in bringing special goodies to kindergarten for a Feast Day, birthday or any other celebration, please let me know prior to bringing the goodies in. Also, please be mindful of nut allergies.
Grandparent's Day
We are excited to invite our Grandparents and friends to spend a day with us this October! Watch for a formal invitation in the mail!
Throughout the year, we will send home assignments. Our homework usually consists of a review item for math or literacy activity. Please return all homework by the due date. Quality work is expected. We ask that you read to your kinder for 15-20 minutes every night as part of their homework.
Hot Lunch
Hot lunch is available for purchase every day. Menus are available on the school website as well as in the main office. Please contact Kelly DiPietro with any questions! kdipietro@saintagnesschool.org
Jackets and Outerwear
Each day your child will go outside for recess - when Minnesota weather permits. We will only stay inside if the temperature is below zero or if it is raining. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, including jackets and any outerwear. Please label all items with your student’s first and last name as they often get lost in the shuffle.
PLEASE make sure that ALL OF YOUR KINDERS clothing and accessories—especially winter gear - IS CLEARLY LABELLED.
Kinders go to library once a week. Kinders are allowed to check out one book at a time.
Your child will eat lunch in the cafeteria each day. Students will be able to have hot lunch or bring their own cold lunch. Please help your child decide what they would like to eat before school each day. A monthly lunch menu is available online or in the school office. Students will purchase a lunch using a pin number- see P for Pin Number. If you have any questions about purchasing school lunches, please contact Ms. Sandy Veal.
Lower School Director
Our Lower School Director is Mrs. Miriam Naughton. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year about anything pertaining to the , she is your point of contact.
Each day your child will have the opportunity to explore math concepts through hands-on exploration through worksheets, large group instructions, math games, calendar activities and small group instruction. We will use both Saxon and Singapore math curriculum.
Morning Meeting
We begin each day with a Morning Meeting as part of Responsive Classroom. Traditional components of morning meeting include: greeting, sharing, activity and teacher’s business. This daily meeting will help to set a positive tone for the rest of the day as well as create a positive learning community.
Kindergarteners attend Mass with the grade school once a week. We will also attend several all school Masses throughout the year on Feast and Holy Days; all are welcome to join us.
Please send all of your kinder’s medication to the school office. For safety reasons, we do not keep or administer medication in the classroom.
Your child will get the opportunity to go to Music class twice a week with Mrs. Truran. If you have questions about music class or curriculum class, please contact Mrs. Truran directly. mtruran@saintagnesschool.org.
Mystery Reader
To promote reading and literacy among the kinders, we ask parents, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas to volunteer to be a Mystery Reader for our class! Please watch for a sign-up sheet to come home!
One of our Kindergarten Successful Learning Behaviors that will be seen on report cards is Organization. Please work with your student to help insure organization with their schoolwork and materials. Each night your child should empty their own backpack and folder. Allowing your child to do this will help with their personal organizational skills.
Physical Education
Kinders will attend physical education with Mr. Tommy Boyd twice a week. Please note that tennis shoes are required for P.E. If you have any questions about P.E please contact Mr. Boyd.
Pin Number
You can find your Kinder’s Pin Number in Educate under student ID. All students will use their pin numbers for hot lunch, if they choose to have it, as well as use it to sign in and out of after school care.
Quiet Time
Kinders are really busy throughout the day! As part of Responsive Classroom, we will have roughly 20-30 minutes of quiet time each afternoon after recess. Kiddos are invited to read, rest or listen to music during this time. This is also a great opportunity for me to pull small groups together as well as 1-1 interventions.
Reading is a huge part of kindergarten. Our morning consists of a math and literacy block. We will use our Superkids curriculum to guide our reading instruction. We will also learn sight words and fundamentals of writing.
Reading Log
Kinders are expected to read 20 minutes a day when at home and complete monthly reading logs as part of their homework. With the completion of each monthly reading logs, students will get a Pizza Hut certificate for a free pizza through a program called Book It!
Students will attend Religion four days each week.
Report Cards
The kindergarten report cards will be sent home at the end of each quarter. Students will be graded on all core subjects as well as Successful Learning Behaviors.
Responsive Classroom
Throughout the grade school we use Responsive Classroom as part of our classroom management plans. Traditional elements that will be used are Morning Meeting, Quiet Time, Guided Discovery, Academic Choice/Guided Centers and Take a Break.
Students are expected to be in proper uniform every day! Kindergarten girls are to be in a jumper or navy pants with a white blouse every day. Ladies are welcome to wear white, black or navy tights or socks. Tennis shoes are not required but are encouraged for every day wear! (Please refer to the Handbook for more details on shoes.) We recommend they wear some type of modesty shorts under their jumper. Kindergarten boys are to be in navy pants with a light blue school polo and a belt beginning second semester. Gentlemen are welcome to wear navy or white socks with their shoes. Again, please see the Handbook for more details pertaining to uniform. Please help your child be successful each day by making sure they are in proper uniform BEFORE they get to school!
In order to keep Saint Agnes safe, all visitors are required to check in at the school office. As much as we strive for an open-door policy in our classroom, please limit your visits during the day as they may interfere with our instruction time.
There are many ways to be involved in our classroom! A few areas where parents are always needed include: preparing art materials, working with small groups of children, field trips, and parties as well as helping with recess duty. If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom, please contact Mrs. Becca DeMarais.
We use Disciples of Christ: Education in Virtue. We will continue to have virtue assemblies where we share the virtue we have learned about as well as the Saints that demonstrated the virtue.
Water Bottles
Kinders are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school every day, especially during the remaining summer days. Please make sure your kinder is drinking water and not a sports drink or juice. Please also make sure their water bottles are clearly labeled! I will send water bottles home daily so they can be washed out.
1st Grade
Welcome to First Grade! We are excited to continue to build upon the foundations learned in Kindergarten and strengthen our students reading skills, mathematical knowledge, understanding of God’s creation, and their faith! Please feel free to contact us by email or by phone! God bless you!
1st Grade Faculty
Sister Mary Martha: 651-925-8732
Mrs. Lisa Leeson: 651-925-8774
Academic Overview
Text: God is Love (Spirit of Truth series – Sophia Institute Press)
Topics include: God as our loving Creator, the Trinity, The Sacraments, Saints, the Life of Jesus, Liturgical Seasons, and Prayer as a conversation with God. Students complete assignments in the workbook during class. No homework is given.
Students attend Mass on Thursdays and are encouraged to have a close relationship with Jesus through prayer.
Latin: The student continues to learn Latin prayers, words, and Mass responses. There is no textbook. Printed materials are used.
Reading/Language Arts
It is very beneficial for incoming First Graders to have a variety of early literacy experiences at home each day as well as in previous school experiences. The experiences with being read to at home each day cannot be emphasized enough. Language is literacy! The more experience children have with language each day, the more successful and enjoyable learning to read will be for them. It is also helpful for incoming First Graders to know their letters, beginning and end letter sounds, and perhaps a minimal experience with short vowels.
We are very excited to continue with our reading series Superkids by Pleasant Rowland. The Superkids program is a comprehensive program, which emphasizes phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, creative writing and printing. Please check out http://www.superkidsreading.org for more information about our new reading and writing program.
Students will also participate in a monthly home reading goal program beginning in October. Children’s progress in school is significantly higher when they do participate, and monthly rewards are given to the students who participate in their required 15 minutes of reading each night.
Shurley Grammar is based on the proven methods of rhythm, repetition, and student-teacher interactions. Students will learn many “jingles” to help them remember key grammatical terms and definitions. Students will be evaluated every lesson through their workbooks and chapter check-ups. We will begin this curriculum in January.
We implement the Saxon Math Program and Singapore Math Strategies in Grades K-6! This comprehensive program will assist our students in learning math facts, developing number sense, problem solving, measuring, telling time, learning geometric shapes and patterns, graphing, counting money, etc. The lessons are carefully crafted and scaffolded, so that throughout the year, students will be learning and practicing all these various math skills and strategies. Formal assessment is given every five lessons. Oral Assessments are completed about every ten lessons. Students will also build strong number sense with the additional math strategies encouraged through the Singapore methods.
Please expect that your child will have one side of math homework M-W There will be exceptions when we have certain assessments in class, but your child will bring a homework sheet most days.
2nd Grade
We are excited to have the opportunity to get to know your second grader this year. This letter will give you an overview of our second-grade program. Most days we will send home a daily newsletter that will include announcements, highlights, and homework assignments.
2nd Grade Faculty
Ms. Beth Schellling: 651-925-8751
Mrs. Leila Vance: 651-925-8749
We use the Superkids phonics-based spelling program. There will be a spelling test every fifth lesson. This test will occur on the last day of the school week or if it is a short week it will be scheduled for the last day of the following week. Most weeks we send home a spelling packet along with the list a week before the test. Completing this packet is not a requirement. This can be used as a study guide. It includes a sample selection from our reader to practice reading aloud to you. This packet does not need to be returned. We encourage studying a little bit each day. If your child’s spelling grade falls below an S+ then it becomes a requirement until the grade rises to an S+.
Our daily newsletter will feature highlights and homework assignments from both the grade level math and advanced math classes.
Grade-level math is not remedial math in any way. It combines Saxon math with elements of Singapore math. It is a Level 2 plus course as many aspects of third grade math are incorporated. Homework will often be side B of a fact sheet and side B of a concept sheet, memorizing the full set of addition and subtraction facts is important. Flash cards will be provided. Please help your child keep them organized in a baggie or small box and help them use them as the set grows. You as a parent are expected to check the homework daily. After lesson 10, there will be a fact and concept test every five days, a copy of the concept test will be sent home. Encourage your child to be independent in handling their blue folder by emptying it each night and making sure it contains the days homework before leaving for school.
Advanced math uses the Saxon math program in conjunction with Singapore Math. She will often use Singapore math to introduce the concept in the stages of concrete, pictorial, and then abstract. After a lesson is taught in Saxon math, we will complete side “A” in class. We will go over it in class to determine if there are any misunderstandings. Side “B” will go home for homework each night. There are usually two fact pages to complete in addition to the concept page. This page is usually timed. Like the concept page, side “A” will be completed in class and side “B” is homework. There is a fact and concept test about every tenth lesson. Periodically there will be Singapore-related homework. Advanced math tends to have more homework than grade-level math. Encourage your child to independently empty the side of the folder that contains corrected homework by giving it to you. The other side of the folder will contain homework to be completed and returned to school. Have your second grader utilize the newsletter to check for what needs to be completed and returned.
This year we will take the skills that your child has acquired and work toward greater reading fluency. It is exciting to see children transition from learning to read to reading to learn. We use the Superkids Reading Program. Along with the spelling program, it includes a decodable reader, grammar/spelling workbook, writing assignments, magazine issues, chapter books, and reflective discussions. For homework, we encourage reading for at least ten minutes a day.
Our grade school has a classical approach to our study of history. Therefore, as a school we cycle through the Ancient Civilizations. This gives our students a grounded understanding of how we have been shaped by the past. In second grade our biggest unit is on Ancient Greece. This will pick up momentum in the late winter and will culminate with a history day celebration, the Ancient Greece Symposium. Meanwhile, we will study topics such as geography, Ancient India, Ancient China, Americans moving west, the Civil War, and Civil Rights Leaders, making the Constitution, and the War of 1812.
Religion & Latin
This is an important year that includes the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
Text: Our Life in Jesus (Spirit of Truth series – Sophia institute Press) Students focus on how much children are loved by Jesus Christ, and how His death and Resurrection has opened the way to Heaven.
- The parts of the Mass
- Lives and lessons of the saints
- More ways to pray
There is a special focus on the Sacraments of Penance (Confession) and Holy Eucharist. Information is needed in order to receive these Sacraments. This includes a completed registration form, a copy of the Baptismal certificate, and permission from the pastor.
The student continues to master Latin prayers, chants and Mass responses. There is no textbook. Printed materials are used.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)
We continue to use the Image of Jesus as the True Vine for our Sacramental Preparation and meditate on what it means to be a fruit bearing branch on the vine. What happens to us if we are not? Your second grader will also come to know that God is working from Creation, through Redemption, toward Parousia when God's love will be all in all. God calls us to participate in this plan. Jesus shows us the way to live together in peace and joy as we abide in Him through the Eucharist and Baptism.
Physical Education
Mr. Boyd teachers the P.E. class twice a week. Tennis shoes are required.
Mrs. Truran will teach music class twice a week. There will be a scheduled Christmas and Spring Concert.
3rd Grade
We are looking forward to this new school year. There are lots of new things to learn and friendships to make. Our goal for this year is to help each student grow in their relationship with Christ through faith, reason, and virtue. We also desire for each student to become responsible learners. To accomplish this goal, the school day will be filled with academic content and there will be regular homework each day. We will hold high expectations for each student and they will need to work hard and do their best every day. We will also develop a strong community of learners who share in God’s love and grow together as virtuous people.
3rd Grade Faculty
Ms. Coleman: 651-925-8753
Mrs. May: 651-925-8776
Teacher: Mrs. Diana Smith
Text: The Kingdom of God and the Church, Spirit of Truth series, Sophia Institute Press
Topics include:
- The Catholic Church, the Holy Spirit and how He guides Her, and how Jesus continues His mission through Her
- The Blessed Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- The Seven Sacraments
- Prayer and living as children of God
- Jesus’ Parables of the Kingdom
- Mary as the Mother of the Church
Students complete assignments in the workbook during class. Homework is sometimes given. It must be completed by the date given.
Latin (with Mr. Michael Adkins)
Third Grade has Latin 1 day a week on Wednesday.
Latin for Children: Primer A (Classical Academic Press)
Course Assignments
- Academic Virtue - 30% of grade
- Students receive credit in this category for active and cheerful participation, timely completion of homework, respectful behavior, etc.
- Homework - 30% of grade
- Latin homework is assigned once a week and collected once a week.
- It involves practicing vocabulary flashcards and either making new flashcards or completing worksheets which involve copying or occasionally looking up words in the glossary. As the content gets more challenging, students will also need to use the endings charts to help translate words, but most homework is just practicing. This is a great opportunity for your child to develop study skills that will assist them throughout the course of their school days.
- Students should practice flashcards and chants daily. (In class we chant all the vocabulary, usually with hand motions, and I ask the students to chant out loud when they practice their vocabulary at home.) It is better to practice 5 minutes a day than 30 minutes once a week
- Course Grading
- Academic Virtue – 30%
- Homework/Recitation – 30%
- Quizzes/Test – 40%
- Latin Practical Information
- Communication: I communicate grades and student progress primarily through Educate. I generally return tests and quizzes to students within a week. The best way to contact me is through email. If you prefer to speak by phone or in person, please email me your availability. madkins@saintagnesschool.org.
- Missing/Late Homework: Students whose homework is missing may be required to stay in at recess to complete work. Late assignments will be accepted, but points will be deducted under 'Academic Virtue' (unless the assignment is late because of an absence). Missing assignments are marked zero until turned in.
4th Grade
Welcome to a new school year! May you know of the peace of Christ as we begin this endeavor together to form and educate our students in the way of discipleship and virtue. Please know that your student is a valued member of this class and that they will be challenged this year to put forth their best efforts in every aspect of their young lives, in academics, in generosity of spirit, in virtue, and faith. 4th grade at Saint Agnes will demand more effort, engagement, responsibility, and fortitude from students and will require great diligence, but the rewards will be rewarding: as Aristotle once said, “the root of education is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”
4th Grade Faculty
Ms. Margaret Blackstone: 651-925-8730
Our Spelling is derivative of students’ reading and is oriented toward better reading fluency and writing ability. We also use All About Spelling as a tool to teach phonological awareness and life-long spelling rules. Students will be tested on a short list of words every week. Student’s can expect some spelling homework to prepare for their test each week.
The study of mathematics in 4th grade will consist in the basics of Euclidean Geometry, the memorization of math facts and a deeper understanding of the practical uses of the four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We also initiate an exploration of the dynamic impact these basic operations have on early algebra. Students will be exposed to Saxon mathematics in sequence and content, while imploring Singapore math strategies to augment understanding in real world mathematics in concrete, pictorial, and abstract phases. Students can expect some mathematics homework each day to apply new concepts.
The novels we read in 4th grade correspond to our medieval history course, or to future studies in history. We read The Door in the Wall by Marguerite de Angeli, Saint Joan: The Girl Soldier by Louis de Wohl, The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green, and one of the Little House Books from the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. We also read the Junior Great Books Series, which uses short stories to teach students how to annotate a text, ask thoughtful questions as a reader, prepare and participate in class discussion, and use text evidence in writing. For some students, this year will demand deeper reading of challenging content. If they approach reading and literature with a magnanimous and joyful spirit they will become life-long reader’s of true, good, and beautiful literature. Students will be exposed to great poems of the canon and will be challenged to memorize poetry.
Our English Grammar curriculum, Shurley Grammar, focuses on the parts of speech, parts of a sentence, and the steps in the formal writing process. Students will write paragraphs, stories, and essays throughout the year. The year will consist of memorization of basic parts of speech, and proper utilization of grammar, conventions, fluency, and vocabulary in writing multiple genres. Students will focus on notes, research reports, summaries, and formal essays.
We use a cursive workbook to continue to improve our slant, shape, size and spacing. Beginning the second quarter, 4th graders will be expected to write all work in neat, legible cursive. This year we will focus especially on neatness. Students will be expected to do all writing in legible and beautiful handwriting. Support will be given for struggling students, but only neat work will be accepted for grade.
History & Geography
Social Studies is a type of discipline that begins with the subject and branches out in skepticism to what is knowable and relevant to the subject alone. History, on the other hand, is the majestic story of our civilization, of the human story. Students are reminded that they stand on the shoulders of giants and, in God’s providence, have a part to play in the unfolding of the great adventure of human flourishing through time. Students begin mastering skills in map and navigation skills, coordinate planes and orientation. They use their map skills to explore the zoology, and geography of the world’s mountains. Students then explore the rich story of the Middle Ages in Europe, and the Renaissance. Students are also exposed to the civilizations outside of the West, including ancient China, Africa, and the Middle East. Students will be asked to do a research project at the end of the year for the History Day celebration. Mr. Gockowski is the 4th grade history teacher.
The Nancy Larson Science Curriculum is steeped in rich vocabulary and content. Educator and writer Nancy Larson based her curriculum upon the idea that children’s exposure to and experience of the scientific world should not be watered down. The topics the fourth grade studies are Biology and Physics. The study of science awakens students to a deeper wonder and appreciation of the created world and introduces students to various methods in empirical examination and reasoning. Sr. Mary Consolata is the 4th grade science teacher.
5th Grade
Email is the best way to reach us. We can read and respond to emails throughout the day or a schedule a phone call as needed. We are also happy to meet in person at any point. Please be in touch with any questions or concerns.
5th Grade Faculty
Ms. Emily Kling: 651-925-8733
Mr. Justin Theodotou: 651-925-8714
Our “Vocabulary from Classical Roots” curriculum builds spelling and vocabulary knowledge by teaching Greek and Latin roots. Students will learn roots and a spelling list of related words. Each week the students will have a practice packet to study for the test on Friday, and pages in their workbook to complete at home also due on Friday. Occasionally students will learn the spelling of themed words that relate to our history curriculum or our liturgical season.
We do a lot of excellent reading in 5th grade! We use the Junior Great Books Series, which uses short stories to teach students how to annotate a text, ask thoughtful questions as a reader, prepare and participate in class discussion, and use text evidence in writing. We will also be reading four novels as a class: Tuck Everlasting, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Harriet Tubman. Each month, the students will read a novel independently and complete a book report about the plot and characters of the story.
We begin our year with the study of astronomy, Exploring the Universe, then move into such topics as Examining the Structure of Matter, Investigating Matter and Its Interactions, Examining the Interactions of the Earth’s Systems, Exploring Forces and Motion, and Investigating Tools and Machines in the Nancy Larson Science Program. In addition to hands on activities, students will complete note taking booklets for each section, complete review pages, and have an assessment at the end of each unit.
Phy Ed
Mr. Tommy Boyd is our Lower School gym teacher. Girls have gym class on Monday’s and Wednesday’s, and boys have gym class on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. 5th graders need gym uniform and athletic shoes in a labeled gym bag (See Mr. Boyd to purchase a gym uniform). Gym clothes should be taken home and washed each weekend.
Fine Arts
6th Grade
We are excited to teach your sons and daughters this year! 6th grade is an important year which prepares students for the academic rigors and newfound freedoms of the Upper School. We look forward to educating and forming our students in Faith, Reason, and Virtue. We hope that the information that follows is a valuable resource about the programming and expectations of 6th grade. Please contact us any time if you have questions.
6th Grade Faculty
Mrs. Christina Pederson: 651-925-8762
Sr. Gianna Marie: 651-925-8741
Text: Saxon Math with Singapore Math Pedagogical Strategies
Students will take timed tests to increase math facts fluency before beginning each lesson. We will also work on metal math and problem-solving strategies this year.
General Course 1 Topics:
- Number & operations
- Fractions
- Mixed Numbers
- Subtracting Fractions, Mixed Numbers from Whole Numbers
- Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying, and Dividing Decimal Numbers
- Factors, Prime Numbers, GCF, LCM
- Expanded Notation
- Decimal to Fraction Conversion
- Average
- Finding Percentages
- Common Denominators
- Prime Factorization
- Exponents
- Geometry
- Angles
- Circumference
- Pi
- Symmetry
- Algebra
- Algebraic expressions
- Ratios
- Rate
- Line Graphs
- Proportions
- Estimating Square Roots
- Graphing Functions
- Measurement
- Area of Polygons (e.g. Triangles, Parallelograms, etc.)
- Volume of Rectangular Prism
- Mass and Weight 8
- Problem solving (including Multi-step Problems)
- Rounding, Estimating
- Probability General
Course 2 Topics:
- Properties of Numbers and Operations
- Estimation
- Algebra
- Ratios and Proportional Reasoning
- Patterns
- Mathematical Relationships and Functions
- Variables
- Inequalities
- Expressions and Equations
- Geometry
- Basic Definitions
- Properties and Relationships of Lines and Polygons
- Pythagorean Theorem
- 3-Dimensional Figures
- Geometric Coordinates
- Measurement
- Physical Measurement
- Measurement Systems and Tools
- Solving Measurement and Similarity Problems
- Data Analysis
- Collecting and Representing Data
- Characteristics of Data Sets
- Probability
The science program is divided into study modules. We will have opportunities to engage in hands-on science experiments and labs.
- Unit 1:
- Science Notebooking
- Science Tools and Safety
Life Science
- Unit 2: Classification of Organisms
- Taxonomy
- Microorganisms
- Fungi
- Plantae
- Animalia
- Unit 3: The Human Body
- Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems
- Muscular and Skeletal Systems
- Digestion
- Circulation
- Respiration
Physical Science:
- Unit 4: Chemistry
- Properties of Matter
- Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds
- Periodic Table
- Chemical Reactions
- Mixtures, Solutions, and Suspensions
- Unit 5: Physics
- Introduction to Forces and Motion
- Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
Earth Science:
- Unit 6: Meteorology
- Weather Introduction
- Air Masses and Humidity
- Clouds
- Earth’s Water Resources
- Wind Direction and Speed
- Fronts and Weather Maps
- Air Pressure
- Convection Currents
- Storms and Natural Disasters
History & Geography
Text: All Ye Lands (History of Christendom) – Catholic School Textbook Project
Topic: World History
- Intro to Geography/Map Reading
- Prehistory/ Ancient Cultures/ Ancient Egypt
- The Mission of Ancient Israel
- The Marvelous Greeks
- Eternal Rome
- Early Christianity
- Byzantium & the Rise of Islam
- The Middle Ages
Students will be expected to develop storytelling skills by giving in-class presentations on stories that they’ve learned about in their history textbook. Public speaking skills, confidence, and an understanding of the richness of history will develop through this practice. Students will also create and trace maps, and will be expected to memorize dates and key terminology/vocabulary.
Dear Parents, Welcome to the new school year at Saint Agnes! I am delighted to have your children in my classes this year. I hope this will be a year of much learning and of growing in virtue. May stories of Faith make it home to you!
In Christ,
Mrs. Claire Missy
Text: Spirit of Truth (Sophia Institute Press)
Grade 6: Sacred Scripture
Course Grading
- Academic Virtue – 15%
- Classwork/Homework – 20%
- Quizzes – 30%
- Tests – 35%
- I communicate grades and student progress primarily through Educate. I generally return tests and quizzes to students within three school days.
- If students do poorly on a test or quiz, I encourage them to correct it and return it to me to earn points they have missed. There are no retakes.
- The best way to contact me is through email: cmissy@saintagnesschool.org . You may also leave a voicemail on my classroom phone at (651) 925-8736. If you would prefer to speak by phone or in person, please email me your availability.
Study Resources
Bi-weekly quizzes generally cover material we have worked on in class and are rarely announced beforehand, unless it covers spelling or memorization.
- Study guides for tests are handed out at least 3 days in advance: Students receive two days to complete the study guide and one day to review. Students are instructed to take home their workbook and notebook on those days. Study guides are graded as complete or incomplete.
Academic Virtue Grade
- Homework is assigned to help a student process what we are learning in class. Good, or conversely, poor study habits affect the overall grade; but how a student comprehends an assignment is graded separately. Therefore, you will see an academic virtue grade in addition to each homework grade.
- A 5 means it was on time, a 4 means late OR incomplete, a 3 means late AND incomplete, a 1 is entered after the unit test deadline for turning in late assignments and means missing.
- Students whose homework is missing or incomplete may be required to stay in at recess to complete the work.
- Students have the potential to make up full points on homework and quizzes on late submissions or quiz retakes. Incomplete, late, or missing assignments without valid excuse will be graded as such under academic virtue.
Absent/Make-up work
Please communicate with me ahead of time if you expect your child to be absent. I will attempt to provide some work beforehand. The students know they are expected to inform their teachers if they know they will be gone. For unanticipated (sick) absences, students are expected to ask me for missed assignments as soon as they return.
Salvete, parentes!
It’s a great joy to be able to teach Latin to elementary students! The study of Latin will reinforce English word roots, spelling, and grammar. In addition to Latin being a major root of the English language, it is also the mother tongue of the Romance Languages: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and French. Finally, Latin remains the official language of the Catholic Church and we will begin class with prayers in Latin, starting with the Signum Crucis (sign of the cross). Please contact me if you have questions!
Valete, Magister Adkins
6th grade has Latin 1 day on week on Thursdays.
Text: Latin for Children (Classical Academic Press)
Grade 6: Primer A and Primer B
Course Assignments
Academic Virtue- 30% of grade
- Students receive credit in this category for active and cheerful participation, timely completion of homework, respectful behavior, etc.
Homework - 30% of grade
- Latin homework is assigned once a week and collected once a week.
- It involves practicing vocabulary flashcards and either making new flashcards or completing worksheets which involve copying or occasionally looking up words in the glossary. As the content gets more challenging, students will also need to use the endings charts to help translate words, but most homework is just practicing. This is a great opportunity for your child to develop study skills that will assist them throughout the course of their school days.
- Students should practice flashcards and chants daily. (In class we chant all the vocabulary, usually with hand motions, and I ask the students to chant out loud when they practice their vocabulary at home.) It is better to practice 5 minutes a day than 30 minutes once a week.
Course Grading Academic
Academic Virtue – 30%
- Homework/Recitation – 30%
- Quizzes/Test – 40%
Latin Practical Information
I communicate grades and student progress primarily through Educate. I generally return tests and quizzes to students within a week.
- The best way to contact me is through email: madkins@saintagnesschool.org. If you would prefer to speak by phone or in person, please email me your availability.
- Missing/Late Homework
- Students whose homework is missing may also be required to stay in at recess to complete the work.
- Late assignments will be accepted, but points will be deducted under ‘Academic Virtue’ (unless the assignment is late because of an absence).
- Missing assignments are marked zero until turned in.
In literature class, the students will read a wide variety of short stories, poems, and novels. Topics covered in literature will encompass the genres. The students will periodically take part in poetry forums, which will afford them an opportunity to develop their oral presentation skills and reading fluency. Students will practice seminar-based discussions that require respectful conversation and text-based presentation of evidence to support argument.
- Junior Great Books Series: The Great Books Foundation Short Novels
- Shared Inquiry discussions for reading comprehension
- Works Covered throughout the Year:
- Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame
- The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost
- Tales from Shakespeare, Charles Lamb
- Son of Charlemagne, Barbara Willard
- Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain
- Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson OR - Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Cursive: Handwriting, Zaner-Bloser
English/Language Arts
Students will develop their grammatical and linguistic skills through verbal, written, and discussion-based learning. Students will practice their writing skills, developing towards the completion of multiple drafts on a 5-paragraph essay and a critical analysis project. Students will practice handwriting skills, both cursive and manuscript.
English Grammar & Usage
Shurley English, Shurley Instructional Materials, and Grammar Revolution Videos/Instructional Materials
Physical Education
6th graders need gym clothes and shoes on Physical Education Days (Girls: Mondays and Wednesdays; Boys: Tuesdays and Thursdays). Gym clothes should be taken home and washed each weekend.
Students will study Art weekly and Choir & Band twice weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. If your child is in band, he/she also has a sectional practice during the week.
We will also be studying the virtues and learning how to cultivate these good habits, using the Disciple of Christ Education in Virtue Program: Openlight Media » Openlight Media by the Dominican Sisters of Mary
It’s never been more difficult to raise young people of faith, reason, and virtue than it is today. We’re on a mission to support parents as the primary educators of their children through high-quality, Catholic education in the liberal arts/classical tradition.
Follow our school podcast and stay tuned for more messages throughout the year from our administration, faculty, and community members!