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Financial Aid & Scholarships



A Saint Agnes School education is an investment in the future of each student.

An investment through the sacrifices of each family, an investment by the school, and an investment that will pay dividends in college, life, and beyond.

We wish to provide every qualified student an opportunity to attend Saint Agnes. We are committed to making Catholic education affordable for as many families as we can responsibly serve.

At Saint Agnes School, our parents and families are entrusted with the responsibility for funding a student’s educational expenses. For those who are unable to pay the full cost, Saint Agnes makes every effort to provide additional assistance through our Financial Aid Program.

Saint Agnes has a limited amount of assistance available for families. For this reason, a Financial Aid Committee makes difficult decisions in how to best “invest” the available aid for the common good of the school.

Though financial need is a critical factor in distributing aid, it does not guarantee financial assistance. As applicable, the Committee will also consider the real and potential effort, performance, behavior and overall positive contribution of the student in determining financial aid.

Saint Agnes School does not fully fund any student’s tuition. Each family will need to contribute a portion of the cost of educating a student. Particular scholarships may have specific criteria established by the benefactors. There are no athletic scholarships.

Overview of Financial Aid

Saint Agnes School provides over $2,000,000 in Financial Aid each year. Financial Aid is distributed in two methods:

  1. Tuition Assistance (grants)
  2. Scholarships

All tuition assistance is “need-based,” where scholarships are both “need-based” and “merit-based.”

Saint Agnes utilizes Tuition Aid Data Services (TADS) in order to determine financial need of all families. In order to apply for financial aid, please visit TADS and complete the appropriate application; additional documentation will also need to be submitted.


Active parishioner tuition discount

The parishioner discount is available for registered members of the Church of Saint Agnes whose regular attendance and active stewardship reflect their commitment to the parish as their primary place of worship:

Oldest child – Family pays full tuition for oldest child.

Second through fourth child – Family receives $500 discount per child.

Fifth child and more – Family receives free tuition for 5th child and more.

For more information about the parishioner discount, please contact Mr. Joseph Olson, Admissions Director, at 651-925-8803.

Special Circumstances Application

If you are a family receiving financial aid and have additional needs or circumstances beyond what your agreement reflects, please complete and submit a Special Circumstance Form and return it to the Business Affairs office. The Special Circumstance Application should include relevant information regarding your extenuating circumstances and the requested amount of additional assistance you are seeking. Though resources are limited, Saint Agnes makes every effort to make our educational program affordable for all families.

Please contact our Admissions Director, Mr. Joseph Olson, with any questions at 651-925-8803.