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Vocal Music


Highly regarded for our performances of beautiful music from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary eras, our choral program emphasizes healthy vocal technique and development of a rich choral tone. Solfege-based sight reading and ear training is incorporated as well.

Concert Chorale:
  •  Auditioned, 60-voice ensemble of young men and young women in grades 9-12
  • Rehearses five times per week
  • Performs at school masses, and three concerts per year, incorporating music from all eras, with a particular focus on the Catholic Church’s rich tradition of polyphony and Gregorian Chant
  •  Highly selective 24-voice ensemble of young men and young women grades 10-12
  • Rehearses three times per week, after school
  • Performs at school masses, at three concerts per year, and at off-campus locations, including the Cathedral of Saint Paul, and the Saint Paul Hotel. Performs music from all eras, with a particular focus on repertoire that challenges dedicated singers
Junior High Choirs
  • Open to all students in grades 7-8 who are not enrolled in band
  • Rehearses 2-3 times per week, in groups of young men and young women
  • Performs at school masses, and at two concerts per year, incorporating music from all eras, with a particular focus on development of the voice and music literacy, including solfege-based sight singing
Grade School Choirs
  •  Open to all students in grades 5-6 who are not enrolled in band
  • Rehearses 2 times per week, divided by grade
  • Performs together at two concerts per year, incorporating music from all eras, with a particular focus on development of the voice and music literacy, including solfege-based sight singing