Welcome Aggie Parents! The content in this section means to provide you with access to important and relevant information. Along the side panel you will see links frequently visited pages such as hot lunch menu, uniform information, etc.
Main School Phone Number: 651-925-8700
Attendance Line: 651-925-8777
Parent Resources
Find information on back to school updates, uniforms and supplies, important dates, academic updates, school calendar and more.
- Calendar
- 2024-25 School Calendar
- Back to School
- Parent Newsletters
- Grandparents Day
- Summer Series
- Uniforms
- Spirit Wear
- Hot Lunch
- Traffic Procedures
2024-25 School Calendar
Back to School
Parent Newsletters
August 12
August 19
August 26
September 3
September 9
September 16
September 23
September 30
October 7
October 14
October 21
October 28
November 4
November 11
November 18
November 25
December 2
December 9
December 16
December 30
January 6
January 13
January 21
2023-2024 (Archived)
January 4
January 8
January 16
January 22
January 29
February 5
February 12
February 20
February 26
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
April 8
April 15
April 22
April 30
May 6
May 13
May 20
May 28
June 3
June 17
July 1
July 16
July 29
Grandparents Day
Summer Series
The enforcement of clear standards of behavior, including the wearing of a modest school uniform, creates an ordered and joyful environment conducive to learning. (The Educational Philosophy of Saint Agnes School, 2016, p. 5).
Unless prior school permission is obtained, students are to dress in the regulation school uniform, which may be purchased at Donald’s Uniform Store (located in both St. Paul and Eden Prairie). All Saint Agnes uniform items are available at Donald’s with the exception of the uniform sweatshirt and school ties, which are available for purchase on campus. Please visit Donald’s for this year’s price guides.
Non-Uniform Dress Code
Girls Semi-Formal and Formal Wear –updated regarding the length requirement for hemlines and slits in dresses (no shorter than one inch above the knee, front and back)
Spirit Wear
Show your Aggie Spirit! Custom Aggie gear may be ordered online at the Lids Sideline Store.
We also carry a limited supply of spirit wear on campus. Please contact Mr. Joseph Olson to see what’s in stock.
Hot Lunch
Monthly Menus
Check out our new food menu site! Begin typing “Saint Agnes” in the School Name box and click on our school name when it appears below. Select our High School Lunch, K-8 Lunch, or K-12 Breakfast menu, and click “Go to Menu.” Please contact Kitchen Manager Mrs. Kelly DiPietro at 651-925-8711 with questions.
Applications will still be required for the free/reduced meals. This allows Saint Agnes to still apply for grants and scholarships that are based on the percentage of free/reduced students (based on federal qualified applications) attending. It also allows us to receive the federal funds for the school meals. The new state funding will cover the difference. There are several other education benefits to Saint Agnes based on the number of approved applications. There are several fees (such as some testing fees) which are waived for qualifying students. Saint Agnes relies on the several hundred thousand we receive annually from the need-based grants & scholarships; this helps us keep the tuition as low as possible for everyone. Applications for 2024-25 will be available after July 1. In the July mailing and on the website.
The new State funding covers the regular school meal, which includes a single serving of the regular meal with the salad bar and one milk. Extra entrée’s, extra milk or milk with lunch from home will remain the responsibility of the parents. Students will still be using their pin numbers as they move through the lunch line so we can track the meals served. The extra Entrees are $1.90 each, extra milk or milk with lunch from home is $0.40. Guest and staff meals (adult or pre-K) are lunch 5.00, Breakfast 2.40. There is no charge for your lunch (single serving) on the days you volunteer in the school kitchen.
Households which don’t qualify for the federal free/reduced program do not need to do anything, they will be set up for the State free meal program.
Free & Reduced Lunch Program
Saint Agnes is still requiring applications for the free/reduced meals. This allows Saint Agnes to still apply for grants and scholarships that are based on the percentage of free/reduced students (based on federal qualified applications) attending. It also allows us to receive the federal funds for the school meals. The new state funding will cover the difference. There are several other education benefits to Saint Agnes based on the number of approved applications. There are several fees (such as some testing fees) which are waived for qualifying students. Saint Agnes relies on the several hundred thousand we receive annually from the need-based grants & scholarships, this helps us keep the tuition as low as possible for everyone.
The new State funding covers the regular school meal, which includes a single serving of the regular meal with the salad bar and one milk. Extra entrée’s, extra milk or milk with lunch from home will remain the responsibility of the parents. Students will still be using their pin numbers as they move through the lunch line.
Households which don’t qualify for the federal free/reduced program do not need to do anything, they will be set up for the State free meal program.
Who should complete this application? Children in households participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), and foster, homeless, migrant and runaway children qualify without reporting household income. Alternatively, children can qualify if their household income is within the maximum income shown for their household size on the instructions.
Click here to read the Statement of Non-Discrimination
Application for benefits - english
Application for benefits - spanish
Please contact Finance Manager Ms. Sandy Veal with questions at 651-925-8815.
Depositing Funds to Cafeteria Accounts
Using your household Educate by TADS login, you will be able to see your children’s grades, assignments and, cafeteria account (look for POS - Point of Sale) information. You are able to make deposits to your household cafeteria account from the Saint Agnes School website, , under on-line payments. This brings you to a payment screen that has banking level security. Please note one of your student’s name with the payment, so that it is credited appropriately. You can set up either one-time or recurring transactions. Checks or cash deposits should be brought to the Main Office. Generally, deposits will be recorded within 24-48 hours. We recommend that families keep at least a $10.00 positive balance in their account. As an extra service, an automated weekly reminder email will be sent to households with a negative account balance. In your Educate profile preferences, set Financial Alerts to email to get these reminder emails.
In-House food preparation
We have in-house food preparation for most meals, (pizza by Dominos). Mrs. Kelly DiPietro is our Food Service Manager. She is planning some wonderful changes to our menu. Please encourage your children to sample something new.
We are always in need of adult volunteers to help serve the meals. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator to sign up. If you can help daily, weekly or monthly it would be appreciated. Two to four volunteers are needed every day depending on the menu.
The Process
When students go through the cafeteria line they will need to enter a PIN number - no money is exchanged. These student-specific numbers are accessible when you login to Educate by TADS. They will also be made available to students on the first day of school for those who might forget, and for our younger students. For those returning to Saint Agnes the 5 digit numbers are the same as last year. Milk with lunch from home, students need to write (legibly) their name (First & Last) and pin number on the tablet provided on the milk table.
On the school website, look for Parents tab / Hot Lunch Menu / click food menu site / key in Saint Agnes. Nutritional information is available by clicking the menu items. There may be last minute substitutions (typically a different brand of the same item) to the menu. Notices will be sent when we know of the changes.
Please contact Finance Manager Ms. Sandy Veal with questions at 651-925-8815.
Traffic Procedures
Pick Up & Drop Off
For safety reasons, all doors will remain locked during the regular school day, with the exception of the main entrance of the UAC and the northwest door (#3) during specific drop-off and pick-up times in the morning and afternoon. All visitors must check in at the Main Office in the UAC upon arrival. Please carefully observe all posted parking regulations on the city streets surrounding Saint Agnes School.
When dropping off students in the morning, please observe the following procedures:
- Students enter the school building only through the main entrance of the UAC or the northwest door (#3).
- Use the crosswalk at all times.
- Drop off students on the school-side curb only.
- All vehicles should only travel East down Lafond Avenue.
- If parking, drivers should only park in the parking lot adjacent to Lafond in front of the school; curb space is reserved for immediate drop-off only.
- Drivers should not use the parking lot between the church and school for drop-off.
- Keep handicapped parking spaces open at all times.
- Do not drop off, pick up, or pull in and wait in this area at any time.
- Please respect and observe any directions given by crossing guards, security officers, or the school patrol.
- Please exercise safe driving during drop-off by refraining from using mobile devices. Be aware of students and families crossing the street.
When picking up students in the afternoon:
- K-6 school students will exit the building through door #1, door #2, and door #3. Upper school students may use other exits.
- Use the crosswalk at all times.
- Pick up students on the school-side curb only.
- K-6 students must be picked up in front of school, NOT in the parking lot outside doors 4 and 5 (the only exception being if a sibling is being picked up from preschool).
- All vehicles should only travel East down Lafond Avenue.
- If parking, drivers should only park in the parking lot adjacent to Lafond in front of the school; curb space is reserved for immediate pick-up only.
- Drivers should not use the parking lot between the church and school for pick-up.
- Keep handicapped parking spaces open at all times.
- Do not drop off, pick up, or pull in and wait in this area at any time.
Before & After School Care
Saint Agnes is committed to supporting our busy parents and providing a safe environment on-campus for our students. If your child needs to be dropped off early or stay beyond the final bell, we have established systems for before and after school care:
Before School Care – 7:00-7:30 AM
Before School Care begins at 7:00 AM and is supervised by a teacher. Students in grades K-6* who arrive at Saint Agnes before 7:30 AM are directed from the main entrance to the cafeteria on the lower-level of the school building; at 7:30 AM, K-6 students will be dismissed to their classrooms. Students in grades 7-12 who arrive prior to 7:55 AM may go to their lockers. Students must be in their 1st hour classroom or K-6 homeroom by 7:55 AM. There is no charge for use of this before-school opportunity.
After School Care – 3:00-5:00 PM
There is no cost to any 7-12 grade students who are onsite after dismissal. All K-6* students that have not been picked up by 3:00 PM, except for those students involved in after-school sports and other pre-approved activities, will be directed to the lower-level cafeteria for teacher supervision. To compensate this additional staff responsibility, each student in After School Care from 3:00-5:00 PM will be charged a fee of $0.12 per minute. Students picked up late after 5:00 PM will be assessed a charge of $10.00.
Saint Agnes is continually striving to provide the best Catholic education possible for our students. To that end, we are always looking for creative ways to model Catholic virtues, enhance our learning environment, and lower expenses. One way we can achieve these goals is to utilize volunteers as effectively as possible.
We are blessed to have parents who give back so generously with their time and talents. It is our hope to further encourage these service opportunities within our school community. E3 is required for volunteering with youth. We look forward to working with you!
Parent Liaison Group
The Parent Liaison Group (PLG) serves as a means for communication between parents and the school administration. The group meets regularly to discuss the school’s work in achieving its mission and vision. It allows the administration to seek the input of parents and families as it makes decisions for the school. Individual parents may contact members of the Parent Liaison Group to bring their comments, questions or concerns to the administration as well.
The PLG is comprised of selected families who represent the entirety of the Saint Agnes School student body. The following parents currently serve on the Parent Liaison Group. Their contact information may be found in the student directory.
Current Representatives:
- Kevin and Gina Brennan
- Chris and Denise Koontz
- Brian and Lisa St. Martin
- Christopher and Ruth Toner
Please contact Mr. Karl Hendrickson with questions: 651-925-8755.
Lower School Parents
- Responsive Classroom
- Whom to Contact
- Drop Off/Pick Up
- Electronic Devices
- Birthdays/Parties Invitations
- Charitable Speech
- Teacher Information by Grade
Responsive Classroom
- Our K-6 classrooms employ a program called Responsive Classroom (RC). RC is a classroom management approach to discipline and school culture. While we use RC, we have adapted and adopted it to fit properly within a Catholic Christian environment. The goal of the program is to free the learning environment from distractions so students can focus on:
- Academic studies
- Building positive relationships and community
- Growing in virtue
- Learning to make good choices
- Learning to use freedom for the good
- Learning self-governance and self-sufficiency
Part of RC is an approach of redirecting or “reminding language” in which the teacher will calmly redirect the student on his/her choices; this approach is more direct and involves less emotion and avoids frustration on the part of the adult or yelling. When students abuse freedom or make poor choices, RC employs what are called “Logical Consequences”; these consequences are equitable and fitting for the nature of the poor choice made. Probably the most important element of RC is “Morning Meeting,” a classroom gathering with the homeroom teacher that begins each day and pro-actively weeds-out classroom issues before they arise by cultivating respect and unity. This gathering is infused with prayer, interactive games, conversation, sharing, and community building. Morning Meeting is also the time where faculty will teach about the Virtues.
- Education in Virtue
Education in Virtue, or EIV, is a program developed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist (the sisters who serve at Saint Agnes School). The program dovetails very well with Responsive Classroom and uses many of the same approaches and reminding language.
Whom to Contact
Communication: Whom to Contact?
Teachers are encouraged to pro-actively communicate with parents and respond to inquiries within 48 hours or less; our faculty are happy to address any questions that parents may have. Please feel free to reach out to faculty, while remembering that the bulk of their day is occupied with teaching and supervising students; their opportunities to communicate are often limited to after school (between 2:45 and 3:30) and many faculty also coach our young people. Please be understanding of their time and allow them a couple days to respond to your message.
Generally speaking, we ask that parents/guardians speak with the adult (i.e. the teacher, coach, administrator, etc.) most directly involved with their inquiry first; we also ask that you follow the “chain of command” outlined below in regard to any concern or dispute, trusting that the immediate and direct adult overseeing the situation will address your concern. If you are not satisfied, please speak to the next individual in the “chain of command,” respecting this process.
Please note that there is a wealth of information about the school, the academic calendar, athletic calendars on both our school website and within our weekly Parent Newsletter (emailed to all registered families). Please call our Main Office if you are not receiving the weekly Parent Newsletter: 651-925-8700.
- Attendance Hotline: 651-925-8777 (leave a message if no pick-up)
- Classroom teachers (i.e. Homeroom teacher, Specialist Teacher such as PE or Art, etc.):
- Something that happened in class;
- Questions about late work or due dates;
- A lesson, or something shown or discussed in class;
- Questions or concerns about relationships between students;
- Obtaining late or missing work for a student;
- Questions about a grade or information in Educate (online gradebook);
- A question or concern about how a situation was handled;
- You have a concern about something a teacher has said or done (you should speak directly first with him or her, offering the individual an opportunity to address your questions).
- Director of Lower School (Mrs. Miriam Naughton)
- After you have spoken with the classroom teacher(s) and do not believe you have received the requisite, fair, or adequate explanation or result.
- You have a question about curriculum or programming.
- Note: Most matters will ultimately be determined by the Director of the Lower School and need not be directed further to the Headmaster unless there is a major concern or dispute.
- Headmaster (Dr. Kevin Ferdinandt)
- After you have spoken with the Director of the Lower School and do not believe you have received the requisite, fair, or adequate explanation or result.
- Pastor / Superintendent (Fr. John L. Ubel)
- After you have spoken with the Headmaster and do not believe you have received the requisite, fair, or adequate explanation or result.
- Main Office Staff (651-925-8700)
- Questions about: schedules, weekly parent newsletter, lunch times, school Mass times, parents at prayer, hot lunch program, calendar, events, Educate access, volunteer opportunities, etc.
- Athletics
- Mr. Mike Streitz: Upper School Athletics
- Mr. Sam Thompson: Lower School Athletics
- Volunteering & E3/Virtus Certification
- Mrs. Becca DeMarais:
- If you are interested in being a school volunteer, a chaperone, or helper at recess, please first make sure that you have met the Archdiocesan requirements to work with children, known commonly as “E3” certification or Virtus training. Mrs. Beaudry will look up your name and see if you need to update any information.
- Enrollment/Tuition/Admissions/Alumni Relations
- Mr. Joseph Olson: Admissions Director
- Mrs. Mary Appel: Alumni Relations
- Business Office Staff
- Mr. Joe Hermerding Sandy Veal
- Questions about: fees, tuition, after school care, maintenance/building and facilities concerns, hot lunch accounts, etc.
- Advancement Office (See website or call Main Office to direct your call)
- Questions about: communications, website, social media platforms, marketing, annual Give Day, annual raffle/ticket sales, alumni relations, events, Red & White benefit dinner, donations, Grandparents Day, etc.
- Parish Office (651-925-8800)
- Questions about: parish Mass times, sacramental preparation, parish organizations (e.g. Men’s Club, Altar & Rosary Society), annual parish Fall Festival, donations to the parish, religious art, Latin Mass resources, parish history, etc.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Please make sure to have your son or daughter to school on time; the day begins promptly at 7:55 a.m. Students may arrive any time after 7:00 a.m., but Lower School students (grades K-6) must remain in the cafeteria in Before School Care until 7:30; at that time, students may then head to their classrooms.
The day ends at 2:45 and all K-6 students are out the door by 2:45 and ready to be picked up; we dismiss students in waves starting at 2:40 to ensure safe and orderly departure from the building. 6th grade classrooms are on a rotating schedule to serve as school patrol, helping to pause traffic on Lafond Avenue. Students not picked up by 2:55 are brought down to the cafeteria to be picked up by parents and guardians. The After-School Care program (for a fee) officially begins at 3:05 p.m. and ends at 5:00.
NOTE: At drop-off and pick-up, we ask that you please travel eastbound on Lafond Avenue; this immensely helps the traffic flow and moves everyone quicker and is much safer for those crossing the street. Also, please be patient with our School Patrol, which blocks Lafond traffic until 2:55 for safety reasons.
Electronic Devices
Upon entering the building students are not allowed to use electronic devices (e.g., headphones, laptops, tablets, cellular phones, smartwatches, MP3 players, gaming devices, etc.). If a student is found with or is using an electronic device during school hours, the items will be confiscated along with other consequences for the student(s) involved. NOTE: These devices are also not permitted for use by students in After School Care; use of these devices has only served as a distraction from homework, conversation, crafts, and/or games in the courtyard and cafeteria. Thank you for your understanding. Refusal by a student to hand over the device may result in suspension. The school’s wireless network is reserved for use by faculty, staff, and adult guests to the building conducting business. Student devices are not permitted on the wireless network at any time.
Birthdays/Parties Invitations
Unless all of the children in your child’s homeroom are invited, invitations for birthday parties planned to take place outside of school should be sent by mail. Birthday snacks may be brought to school for the whole class. It is best to send store-bought, individually, pre-packaged snacks that are wholesome and promote healthy food choices.
Charitable Speech
Saint Agnes School is a community of learners and a community of faith. Everyone is expected to speak charitably to and about one another. Every individual has a right to his/her good name. If a dispute arises, an individual ought to speak charitably and forthrightly to the individual with whom he/she has a disagreement. Gossip, slander, and teasing are not permitted as they create division and destroy the harmony of the social and learning environment. Saint Agnes employees and students are to respect: the Catholic Church, the teachings of the Faith, other Christian denominations, other religions, the mission of the school, and school administration, faculty, and staff. This includes statements made in person as well as on the internet (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.) and other modes of communication (e.g., text messaging, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.).
Teacher Information by Grade
All things Kindergarten from A-Z can be accessed here!
Grade 1
Classroom Behavior Management: Saint Agnes School embraces the Responsive Classrooom management approach in the elementary school. This approach builds community in the classroom while teaching students basic social skills. The Responsive Classroom approach also encourages student accountability and logical consequences for any misbehavior. Classroom rules will be determined by the teacher as well as the students.
Students may receive a consequence if a school rule is not followed. Notes or phone calls home explaining misbehaviors may also be necessary at times. The main goal is for our students to respect self, classmates, and adults. The practice of Christian virtue is introduced and emphasized.
Virtues: Saint Agnes School uses the Disciples of Christ, Education in Virtue program designed by the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. The program is designed to build and strengthen a culture of virtue that penetrates every aspect of one’s life. The program uses specific vocabulary to introduce and reinforce virtuous behavior. The goal is to nurture virtue in every person so that they can freely know, guard, pray, live, and grow deeper in the virtuous life.
Saint of the Day! To start off the school year, we will have a “Saint of the Day.” Each student will be honored and highlighted as a way for their classmates to get to know them.
Snack: Please send a snack to school with your child each day. To ensure the safety of students with nut allergies, please DO NOT send snacks with any peanuts or peanut butter. Please remind your child of the difference between their lunch and their snack (for the afternoon)! Please have your child bring a water bottle with their name on it. Please instruct your child on how to use the bottle before they bring it to school.
Homework is given for Reading, Math, Spelling, and sometimes in other subject areas (this will be communicated on your child’s homework slip. Homework will look something like this each week:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Read 10-15 minutes |
Read 10-15 minutes |
Read 10-15 minutes |
Read 10-15 minutes |
Read 10-15 minutes |
Math side B |
Math side B |
Math side B |
Spelling (Begins in Sept.) |
A homework/ communication slip is sent home each day to keep open communication between home and school. Parents and family members are asked to provide assistance as needed on each task given The teacher and parents can also write individual comments when necessary and the parent is asked to sign the slip and have it returned in the student’s daily homework folder each day. Daily communication and collaboration between home and school are more than essential; both are very necessary in order to provide a rich and meaningful learning experience for our children at school. Parent involvement is encouraged and very much appreciated!
We look forward to getting to know your child this year!
Mrs. Lisa Leeson:
Sister Mary Martha:
Grade 2
Homework: Second graders are responsible for completing and bringing back daily homework. In the event of missing homework, we will give your child a “Late Homework Slip.” Accumulated homework slips will result in a reduced grade. Second graders should strive to read at least 10 minutes a day. Take time to study for the spelling test. Occasionally there will be science or history project with a reasonable number of days or weeks’ notice.
Absent/Makeup work: Please communicate with teachers ahead of time if you anticipate your student being absent. Some work may be provided beforehand, but most of the work will be made up following these absences. For unanticipated (sick) absences, students are expected to check in with the teacher right away and complete provided checklist of missed assignments.
Phone/Electronic Policy: It is the school policy that no electronics are allowed at school. If a student needs to call home, there is a phone available in the front office for student use. Please speak to the teacher directly if you have any questions about this.
Saint Agnes Dismissal Policy: At the end of the day students will either be walked outside for pick up or will go downstairs to be checked in to After School Care. A parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling must pick up and supervise student outside. For students checked into After School Care, a parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling must sign out and supervise student upon pick up. For outside dismissal, parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling must physically collect K-6 student or be visible to teacher/student from the sidewalk. Students who are not picked up outside by 2:55pm will be checked into After School Care and will need to be signed out by a parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling.
Parent Teacher Communication: Most days we will send home a daily newsletter that will include announcements, highlights, and homework assignments. Grades will be posted on Educate. Most tests and projects will be retained with respective teachers during first and third quarters to be used and sent with parents at conference time. During second and fourth quarter, tests and projects will be sent home
Contacting Mrs. Vance or Ms. Schelling: Email is the best way to reach us. We are also happy to meet in person at any point. Please be in touch with any questions or concerns.
We look forward to having this opportunity to know you and your child. May the Lord bless our school year.
In Christ the Teacher,
Leila Vance:
Beth Schelling:
Grade 3
Each third-grade student has a black homework folder which they will be responsible for throughout the entire year. They are required to bring it back and forth from school each day. You will find these items inside the homework folder:
- A place for your child to write his or her homework (Please sign each night)
- A monthly behavior calendar (Please sign each night)
- Homework worksheets
- Reading Log (Please sign each night)
- Important notices
On a typical day, your child will receive the following homework assignments
- Reading- a minimum of 15 minutes of reading, documented on a reading log
- Math- daily worksheet or problems from the textbook
- Spelling- you may choose to work with your child on the current spelling rule being learned in class
- Science- occasional assignments, studying for tests
- History- Ancient Rome research project in the spring, studying for tests
- Latin- vocabulary memorization, assignment completion, and studying for frequent quizzes (given on Wednesdays)
Homework is mandatory. Please check with your child daily about their homework and then initial the assignment sheet in the homework folder each night. Homework not done will result in the following consequences:
- The assignment needs to be finished. If necessary, the student and teacher will make a plan for completion.
- After 2 days of a missed assignment, the student may receive a zero, or lowered grade.
- If it continues to be a problem, parents will be notified.
Homework missed due to absence will usually be due the following day after returning to school. But of course, due to the number of days missed, workload, and the reason for the absence, the due date can be negotiable. Please contact us directly if homework is taking more than 30 minutes or becoming burdensome for your child.
Absent/Make-up work
- Please communicate with your child’s teacher ahead of time if you expect your child to be absent. We may be able to provide some work beforehand. For unanticipated (sick) absences, students are expected to ask for missed assignments as soon as they return.
Academic Progress
You may view your child’s grades during the semester on Educate. Parent teacher conferences are held in the fall and spring and attendance is highly encouraged. If needed, we may also request a conference to discuss specific academic or behavioral concerns. Also, please let us know if you have any specific information about your child’s learning or health so that we can make reasonable accommodations.
Weekly Specialist Schedule
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Religion |
Phy Ed (Coleman) |
Phy Ed (May) |
K-6 Mass |
Religion |
Music |
Library |
Religion |
Religion |
Music |
Art |
Latin |
Phy Ed |
Students are allowed to eat a healthy snack in the classroom each morning. Messier snacks like yogurt and fruit cups should be saved for the lunchroom or after school.
Please let us know if your child has any allergies or dietary restrictions. If your child has severe food allergies, you may send some extra treats, which can be stored in the classroom. This way your child will not feel left out if someone brings a birthday treat that he or she cannot eat.
Your child's birthday will be a special day in our room. If your child has a birthday during the summer, we can celebrate either their half birthday or in September or May. Your child may bring in birthday treats, too. Treats must be store bought.
- Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:30 am. School (and learning!) begins at 7:55 am. Please be prompt!
- Students are dismissed at 2:43 pm.
- Students who are picked up immediately after school will walk with their teacher to the third-grade sign on the fence.
- To ensure the safety of all the students, parents/older siblings/grandparents/carpool drivers must pick their child up from this spot.
- When the student sees his or her ride, he or she will say goodbye to the teacher with clear eye contact. The child must see the person picking them up, not a familiar vehicle.
- If there is a change in where your student goes after school or how he or she gets home, please call the office, send a note, or an email.
- Again, we want to be careful and attentive to make sure your child goes to the right place at the end of the day. Students who have not been picked up by 2:55 pm will walk down to After School Care and families will be billed accordingly.
All absences need to be communicated to the main office. If possible, please send an email to Ms. Coleman and Mrs. May, too, so that we can send assignments home with a sibling or leave them for you in the front office.
If you know in advance about upcoming absences due to travel, we will do our best to get your child whatever work we can, but it is possible that your student will have to wait until after the trip for some of the missed homework/in-class work. Saint Agnes School does not require teachers to come up with future homework assignments, quizzes, or tests in this sort of a situation, but does encourage teachers to get future assignments to families if they already have those lesson plans/assignments etc. created. That said, once students return from a period of absence teachers are required to get the missing work to students as well as give an extended deadline for completion of that work.
- We will likely need recess volunteers every day of the week. We will communicate that need at a later date.
- If we schedule a field trip, we will reach out at that time for chaperones.
- Volunteers and chaperones must have completed their Archdiocesan E3 Volunteer Requirements. Please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator to confirm your volunteer eligibility. These requirements should be completed as soon as possible. Delaying completion may result in the inability to volunteer for a given event.
A monthly newsletter will be sent electronically on the first Friday of the month. Additional communication will be sent as needed.
- Email is the best way to reach us. We can read and respond to some emails throughout the day. We are also happy to meet in person. Please be in touch with any questions or concerns.
- We are unable to have in depth conversations with you while we are supervising students, especially at arrival and dismissal. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.
- When there is an issue at school, we want the students to communicate their need immediately with the teacher present. Sometimes the teacher is completely unaware of an incident that occurred, and it is best resolved as soon as possible. As children mature it is important for them to learn to advocate for themselves and speak directly to a teacher about problems that arise during the school day.
As always, please contact us with any questions or concerns throughout the year. We are looking forward to working with you for a successful year!
Ms. Rose Coleman:
Mrs. April May:
Grade 4
Planner: Each afternoon 4th grade spends 10 minutes writing down and discussing nightly homework. It is the students’ responsibility to copy down all homework assignments and bring home any books or materials needed to complete their homework. Please check your child’s planner and homework folder each night to keep updated on what he/she should be doing for homework. Parent signatures will be requested at times.
Homework Expectations: 4th graders can expect up to 50-60 minutes of homework, each night, in at least core subjects: mathematics, reading/writing, and spelling. The homework includes daily assignments as well as long-term assignments and studying for tests in all subjects. As your student matures in 4th grade, more responsibility will be expected of them. Keeping this in mind, students must communicate questions and concerns with their teachers. When possible, parents are asked to allow their students to communicate issues first before intervening so that students may begin to grow in accountability. Thank you!
Long Term Projects: book reports, History Day Report and poster board, some writing projects, Latin homework, and general studying for tests. There are occasional projects that may be assigned over a few days’ time.
Missing Work Policy: 4th grade students are responsible for completing and turning in daily homework. In the event of a missing or incomplete assignment, a student may be asked to complete it during various free times throughout the school day (morning meeting, snack time, or recess), except for excuse notes from parents. If necessary, the students will complete the assignment that night and bring it the next day. Late assignments will be marked “LATE” on the assignment and on Educate and may result in a reduced grade. Missing assignments are marked zero until turned in.
Incomplete homework will result in the following consequences:
- The assignment needs to be finished that day and turned in the next day.
- A missing homework slip will be sent home if a student is missing work. If a student brings this back signed and attached to the missing assignment, they may receive full credit for their work.
- After 3 days (unexcused) missing work will receive a zero.
- If assignments continue to be a problem, a homework contract will be sent home which will need to be signed by both the parent and student.
Absent/Makeup work: Please communicate with teachers ahead of time if you anticipate your student being absent. Some work may be provided beforehand, but most of the work will be made up following these absences. For unanticipated (sick) absences, students are expected to check in with the teacher right away and complete provided checklist of missed assignments. Homework missed due to absence will usually be due the following day after returning to school. Of course, due to the number of days missed, workload, and the reason for the absence, the due date can be negotiable.
Behavior: Students’ behavior will receive a logical consequence in both good and bad circumstances. Our approach to discipline is formed by Responsive Classroom and Education in Virtue. As disciples of Christ, students will be encouraged to identify the virtues they possess and lack, as well as to pray for and work toward growth in those virtues. All communication home is intended to keep parents in the loop and partner with you in the betterment of your students.
Bringing Items to School: All students should have a backpack. The students may also bring a water bottle. The bottle must have a lid that seals tight. There will be a brief time for snack every day; students should bring something healthy to eat at that time. Your child must bring tennis shoes each day for recess. If your child wishes to bring a book from home to read, it needs to have the child’s name on it. This will prevent mix-ups. To avoid distractions, all toys should be kept at home. This includes items such as fidget spinners and slime. Sports equipment, balls, and other games may be kept in one’s backpack for use at recess. If a student brings equipment for recess, they are consenting to sharing it with classmates. St. Agnes is not responsible for the replacement of lost or damaged equipment.
School Supplies: Students will bring items listed on the materials list. Please check in with your student regularly to ensure that their supplies are replenished as needed throughout the year.
Parent/Teacher Communication:
- Planners:
- Planners are used daily to communicate homework. The dates of projects and upcoming tests should also be recorded in the planner.
- Parent Signatures: Students will frequently be asked to bring assignments or papers home to get signed. This allows parents to see what their student is working on and note due dates or important information. Please be prompt in returning these documents and marking down important due dates.
- Weekly Newsletters:
- Newsletters will be emailed or sent home to the parents of students in each 4th grade homeroom weekly. Information about tests, field trips, and class projects, among other items, will be found there.
- Educate:
- Academic Progress: Current grades can be viewed on Educate. Parents are required to check grades on Educate at least once a week.
- Christian Witness Reports will be completed and sent home as occasions to reward virtuous behavior.
- Conduct Reflections: Occasionally, a student may need to reflect on his or her behavior. Students may be given a conduct reflection form to complete. Students should bring these forms home to be signed by their parents. The form should then be returned to the teacher the next day. Failure to return the form will result in a loss of recess.
Contacting Teachers: Parents are the primary educators of their students; we are here to assist you in this role. To remain in solidarity and with firm purpose in our respective roles it will be crucial that we communicate on a regular basis. Email is the best way to reach your child’s teachers. We can read and respond to emails before and after school. We are also available for phone calls after school (3:00-4:00pm) every evening. At times, we will reach out to individual parents by email or phone, on a need basis. We are also happy to meet in person at any point. Please be in touch with any questions or concerns. We are always happy to hear from you.
Birthdays: Students are welcome to bring in birthday treats. If your child has severe food allergies, you may send extra treats for me to store in the classroom so that your child does not feel left out. If a student has a birthday during the summer, we can celebrate either the child’s half birthday or we can celebrate sometime at the end of the year.
Progress Reports, Conferences, Report Cards: Be on the lookout for Progress Reports and Conference Sign-Ups. Ideally, we hope to meet with parents of every 4th grade student. Due to the limited time, we have during fall conferences, we ask that parents sign up as soon as possible and keep open lines of communication with teachers throughout the fall semester.
Thank you for your loving support of learning. We love getting to know our students and are so thankful for the gift of teaching them!
In Christ Jesus,
Ms. Margaret Blackstone:
Sr. Incarnata :
Grade 5
Planner: Saint Agnes has provided custom made planners for each 5th grade student. Students are required to utilize this planner each day. Each afternoon 5th grade spends 10 minutes writing down and discussing daily homework. It is the students’ responsibility to copy down all homework assignments exactly as they are noted on the board and to bring home all materials needed to complete their homework. Please check your child’s planner and homework folder each night to keep updated on what he/she should be doing for homework. Parent signatures may be requested. See parent signature section.
Homework Expectations: 5th graders can expect up to 60 minutes of homework each night in at least core subjects: mathematics, reading, and spelling. The 60 minutes of homework includes daily homework assignments as well as long-term assignments and studying for tests. As your student matures in 5th grade, more responsibility and assertiveness will be expected of them. Keeping this in mind, students must communicate questions and concerns with their teachers. When possible, parents are asked to allow their students to communicate issues first before intervening so that students may begin to grow in accountability. Thank you!
Long Term Projects: There will be long-term assignments and projects throughout the year that help to teach time management and organization. Students will be responsible for managing a weekly spelling schedule and monthly book reports. Projects to expect throughout the year: Narnia diorama (winter), 3D Map of the U.S.(spring), History Day Report and poster board (spring).
Missing Work Policy: 5th grade students are responsible for completing and turning in daily homework. In the event of a missing or incomplete assignment, a student may be asked to complete it during various free times throughout the school day (morning meeting, snack time, or recess). If necessary, the students will compete the assignment that night as additional homework and bring it the next day. Late assignments will be marked “LATE” on the assignment and on Educate and may result in a reduced grade. Missing assignments are marked zero until turned in.
Absent/Makeup work: Please communicate with teachers ahead of time if you anticipate your student being absent. Some work may be provided beforehand but the majority of work will be made up following these absences by completing a provided checklist of missing assignments. For unanticipated (sick) absences, students are expected to check in with the teacher right away and complete provided checklist of missed assignments.
Phone/Electronic Policy: It is our Saint Agnes grade school policy that no electronics are allowed at school. If a student needs to call home, there is a phone available in the front office for student use. Please speak to the teacher directly if you have any questions about this.
Saint Agnes Dismissal Policy: At the end of the day students will either be walked outside for pick up or will go downstairs to be checked in to After School Care. A parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling must pick up and supervise student outside. For students checked into After School Care, a parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling must sign out and supervise student upon pick up. For outside dismissal, parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling must physically collect K-6 student or be visible to teacher/student from the sidewalk. Students who are not picked up outside by 2:50pm will be checked into After School Care and will need to be signed out by a parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling.
Friday Folder: Every Friday, students will bring home their Friday Folder of graded assignments. These assignments are for you to look through, discuss with your child, and keep/recycle. Teachers will also send home parent letters to communicate projects, school events, reminders, etc.
Parent Signatures: Students will frequently be asked to bring assignments or papers home to get signed. This allows parents to see what their student is working on and note due dates or important information.
Parent Teacher Communication: 5th grade teachers communicate grades and student progress with parents primarily through the weekly Friday Folder and posted grades on Educate. Look through your child’s Friday Folder to note academic assignments and progress. Check Educate to see posted grades.
Progress Reports, Conferences, Report Cards: Progress Reports are sent out before Parent-Teacher Conferences at the end of the first and third quarter. Report cards will be posted at the end of each semester.
Volunteering: We have recess (30 minute) each day where parents are welcome to volunteer and get to the know the class. Any parent volunteers/chaperones must have completed their Archdiocesan E3 Volunteer Requirements. Please reach out if you are interested in volunteering.
After School Care: Students who are staying for after school care in the cafeteria must be picked up and signed out by a parent, guardian, or Jr. High/High School sibling. If a student has not been picked up by their carpool by 2:55pm, they will be brought inside and signed into after school care. 5th grade student-athletes who are staying after school to wait for practice or a game will be signed into after school care until their coach arrives to supervise them.
Contacting Your Teachers: Email is the best way to reach us. We can read and respond to emails throughout the day or a schedule a phone call as needed. We are also happy to meet in person at any point. Please be in touch with any questions or concerns.
In Christ,
Mr. Justin Theodotou:
Ms. Emily Kling:
Grade 6
Homework Policy:
- In sixth grade, students are expected to complete one hour to an hour and twenty minutes of homework each night. Students are responsible for taking graded work home every Monday from their graded-work folders in our classroom.
- Students are responsible for recording homework, project due dates, and test dates in their planners each day. This information will be posted in the classroom each day.
- Students are also responsible for bringing home any books or materials needed to complete their homework. Materials must be brought back to class each day, regardless of the assignment’s due date.
Late/Missing Work Policy:
- Assignments should always be submitted on time. Points may be deducted for late assignments, unless the student has asked for and has been granted an extension for a legitimate reason prior to the due date of the assignment.
- 10 points per day are deducted for late assignments. Homework and in-class assignments (aside from tests, quizzes, and major projects) more than three days late will not be given credit.
- If a student does not complete his or her homework or class work, a missing assignment form must be completed. The form must be signed by parents and returned to me the next day. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain parent signatures.
Absent/Makeup work:
- Each student should communicate with teachers ahead of time if he or she anticipates being absent. Some work may be provided beforehand, but the majority of work will be made up following these absences.
- For unanticipated (sick) absences, students are expected to check in with the teacher right away and complete a provided checklist of missed assignments.
- If a student missed a test due to an absence, the student must schedule a retake exam with the teacher. Possible times to retake an exam include before or after school, recess time, and/or quiet time.
Grading Categories:
Subject |
Weighted Categories |
English/Grammar Usage |
Reading/Comprehension |
Math |
Science |
Spelling/Vocabulary |
- Tests, projects, and quizzes that receive a score of 76% or lower should be signed by parents and returned to the teacher. Students are responsible for obtaining parent signatures.
- Parents should check graded work on Educate at least once a week.
School Patrol Duties: Each 6th grade student is responsible for participating in the Saint Agnes School Patrol. Each class will be on duty from approximately 2:40-2:55 p.m. daily for a full week (the three sixth grade classes will be on a three-week rotation). Students will be trained in their duties and will receive a certificate of service from the Saint Paul Police Department at the close of the year. Responsible, active participation is a requirement, and students who do not meet these standards may not be permitted to attend the School Patrol Picnic and Parade in the spring.
Saint Agnes Dismissal Policy: 6th Grade students will be dismissed from the classroom at 2:45, except on Safety Patrol days, in which case they will be on duty from 2:40-2:55, approximately. 6th grade students are expected to find their way to their rides safely and quickly once they have been dismissed. Students who are not picked up outside by 2:55pm will be checked into After School Care and will need to be signed out by a parent, designated carpool adult, or 7-12 sibling.
Behavior Expectations:
- Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
- Wait for directions with no talking.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Change tasks quickly and quietly.
- Be prepared for class and have all needed materials.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Be respectful of your teachers and classmates at all times.
Classroom Discipline:
- The importance of responding to God’s call to holiness through the cultivation of virtue is an evident focal point of the classroom discipline plan. In sixth grade we will award “virtue points” when we see or hear about students practicing specific virtues. Each student will have a chart of the virtues in his or her binder where a tally will be kept next to each of the corresponding virtues for which points were awarded. This chart should help the student in determining which virtue he or she would like to cultivate at present. Moreover, the chart will help the students to grow in self-knowledge as they recognize those virtues which are their strengths. Periodically, students may also be awarded a prize when they attain a specified number of virtue points.
- Students are encouraged to recognize and encourage virtue in their classmates by completing “Virtue Shout-outs.”
- Students will be disciplined by teachers or staff for behavior that is disruptive, disrespectful, and/or dangerous. Should students choose not to follow the school rules and classroom procedures, they will lose time from their break or recess, or receive another logical consequence for their misbehavior. Serious misbehavior will result in an immediate discipline referral. Please also refer to the discipline plan outlined in the school handbook.
- When a student’s behavior has merited four marks within a one to two-day period, that student must complete a “Conduct Reflection” form. The form must be signed by parents and returned to school the following day. Failure to return the form will result in a loss of recess and/or other consequences.
- If any sixth-grade student engages in behavior that is contrary to the principles of Saint Agnes School, that student may be sent to Mrs. Naughton's office to discuss the issue with her. This will be communicated to the parents, and if deemed necessary or beneficial, a meeting may be scheduled with them.
Parent/Teacher Communication:
- Planners:
- Planners are used daily to communicate homework. The dates of projects and upcoming tests should also be recorded in the planner.
- Weekly Newsletters:
- Newsletters will be emailed or sent home to the parents of students in each 6th grade homeroom weekly.
- Educate:
- Documents: Information about field trips and class projects, among other items, will be posted as needed. The weekly newsletter will keep parents and students informed of recently uploaded documents.
- Academic Progress: Current grades can be viewed on Educate. Parents are required to check grades on Educate at least once a week.
- Christian Witness Reports will be completed and sent home as occasions to reward virtuous behavior.
- Conduct Reflections: Occasionally, a student may need to reflect on his or her behavior. Students may be given a conduct reflection form to complete. Students should bring these forms home to be signed by their parents. The form should then be returned to the teacher the next day. Failure to return the form will result in a loss of recess.
- If you have a more immediate concern, please leave a message for me and I will return your call as soon as possible.
To conclude, thank you for entrusting us with your sons and daughters!
God bless,
Sr. Gianna Marie:
Mrs. Christina Pederson: